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Monday, September 21, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

As the title says, Happy EID to all Muslim around the World. I'm glad that we have been fasting for a month, attending Terawih prayer every night and do good deeds every day. Syawal's already come, so, do take care with yours eating habits. 1st day of Aildilfitri, nevertheless, Open Houses. Do come by my house if you get time.Back to the topic. For those people who don't know about it, it is a day for us to forgive somebody or somebody forgiving us. Talking of that, it's been 18 days that i've been single and 15 days i've been waiting for my ex-loved one to forgive me. Thats all i wanted from her. "Forgiveness". I'll continue waiting for it. OK, continue about Aidilfitri, besides forgiveness, it's also the time we enjoying with our friends, helping our family decorates our house(s), and like the old school, the girls helping their mother baking "ketupat" and the boys helping their father setting up "dian" outside the house while playing with their fire crackers or fire works. One of the best part of Aidilfitri is "balik kampung", we can go at our grandparent(s) or parent(s) house, tasting their cooking which the way we like to eat. Like a phrase says "there's nothing special than mother's cooking". So, I'll be at my grandparent house on the second day of EID. Peace everybody! Wish You all a good luck. and to all kids, I just want to say, don't ever come to my house if your will to collect money or ampau. That is not the spirit of EID. =)

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